[horde] Re: Users don't want to "download" attachments

Greg Swallow - SkyNet gregswallow at skynetonline.ca
Fri Apr 8 14:49:10 PDT 2005

Matthew Boehm wrote:
> In old imp, a person would receive a word, or excel attachment. The
> filename
> would have a link and the correct icon would be displayed. When a
> person
> clicked on the link, the file would be opened in a new browser window
> by the
> application itself. Ex: Excel would launch itself and be "inside" the
> browser much like Adobe PDFs.
> Now, in imp 4.0, when a person clicks on the link, instead of getting
> the
> old behavior, they are prompted with this error about not finding
> xlhtml or
> some other program. This is bad. This is not expected behavior. So I
> went
> into horde/config/mime_types.php and commented out all instances of
> "msexcel" and "msword".

I think you mean in mime_drivers.php - Maybe change:
$mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['inline'] = false;
$mime_drivers['horde']['msword']['inline'] = true;

ditto for excel


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