[horde] Re: vacation in horde 3.0.4

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Wed Apr 20 08:56:10 PDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 17:41:31 +0200
"dadirtyluk" <news4dadirtyluk at gmx.de> wrote:

> hello,
> i know that vacation is not officially supported in this horde
> version, but i just wanted to ask if somebody tried to get
> it working anyway...
> i had a few very innocent attempts but had no luck.
> i appreciate any hints on this, maybe some of the developing
> guys could point me to where the main problems are!
> i recently upgraded to horde from a cvs version that was
> about 1,5years old and i'm quite impressed once again.
> the horde team is doing a really great job!

What's your configuration like?  I had to do customizations to
vacation (and forwards) to get these modules to work with my
qmail/vmailmgr installation.  It wasn't too rough though.


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