[horde] Re: CSV for Webhosting Server

Mike Bydalek mbydalek at compunetconsulting.com
Wed Apr 20 10:36:12 PDT 2005

Quoting Umbroboy <me at hirtreiter.info>:

> i have a share webhosting server....its not my own....i havent an ssh
> login....
> command-line script? how can i make this?

Unfortunately I don't think there's much you can do.  I'm not 100% sure, but I
think you'll need shell access for CVS since you'll obviously want to cvs
update your source every so often and not rely on snapshots (which are 
not very
reliable since anything can be happening when a snapshot is taken).

For a webhosting situation, the only thing I'd recommend is using the stable
version.  Extract it on your computer, and then upload it to your 
webserver. You then will have to execute the .SQL files included in 
your database
(assuming you have access to one), via. a web-interface or whatever they give

> php is correct installed because the stable version of horde 3.0.3 is
> running...but i need the cvs...

Is there something specific you need from CVS?  The base install you probably
don't need since it's pretty stable with the latest release.  If there's a
module you need that's hasn't been released, you can try installing a snapshot
of just that module.

In the end, I'd suggest you start with the latest Horde install, and then go
from there.


> "Mike Bydalek" <mbydalek at compunetconsulting.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> news:20050419134003.sg4rtplllz4ssw4c at horde.compunetconsulting.com...
>> Quoting Umbroboy <me at hirtreiter.info>:
>>> At home i cant execute an *.php file.
>> What do you mean you can't?  The only thing I can think of is if you
>> don't have
>> a php binary, then php isn't installed correctly (or partially installed,
>> depending on your distro I guess).
>>> now i have put the framework into the horde directory and  excute the
>>> install-packages.php over my browser.
>> This won't work since it's a command-line script, not a web-based one.
>>> But i get some errors (see the attachement)
>> See above.
>>> Where can i find the new horde directory?
>> I have no idea what you are referncing here.  The horde directory should
>> be in
>> /horde or wherever you specified it.
>>> And where must i put the new horde directory? in the pear directory , or?
>> Again, not sure what you are talking about here.  There's Horde (the
>> application) and then the Framework which needs to be manually
>> installed if you
>> use CVS.
>> I hate to say this, but perhaps CVS isn't for you based on your questions
>> and
>> responses.
>> If you still want to give it a go, *read everything* at
>> http://www.horde.org/source/ first before doing anything.  Then, once you
>> get
>> the Horde application checked out, *read everything* in docs/INSTALL - the
>> answers are there if you read rather than skip through.
>> -Mike
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