[horde] Remove sidebar

John H. Bennett III bennettj at thebennetthome.com
Wed May 4 18:06:45 PDT 2005

>I just downloaded and installed horde/imp and have some questions.

These have been asked many times with answers in the archives

Horde prefs.php

>1) Is there a way to remove the sidebar?

$_prefs['show_sidebar'] = array(
    'value' => true,
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'checkbox',
    'desc' => sprintf(_("Show the %s Menu on the left?"),
$GLOBALS['registry']->get('name', 'horde'))

>2) Is there a way to make horde default to the Inbox when a user first
>logs in?

// what application should we go to after login?
$_prefs['initial_application'] = array(
    'value' => 'imp',
    'locked' => false,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'select',
    'desc' => sprintf(_("What application should %s display after login?"),

>I can't see such an option. 


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