[horde] Hook Question

Amith Varghese amith at xalan.com
Tue May 10 08:52:12 PDT 2005

Quoting AJ <aj at mindcrash.com>:

> Ben,
>  I think it is using ldap_search.. here is the hook I am using.
> Any ideas?

Here is the hook that I use and that work against HEAD (from about 2 
weeks ago)

if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_fullname')) {
    function _prefs_hook_fullname($user = null)

        $ldapServer = 'localhost';
        $ldapPort = '389';

        $vdomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $vdomain = preg_replace('|^mail\.|i', '', $vdomain);
        $vdomain = String::lower($vdomain);
        $domainparts = split("\.",$vdomain);
        $searchBase = 'ou=People,o=' . $domainparts[0] . ',o=' . 
$domainparts[1] . ',c=US';
        $ldapcharset = 'utf-8';
        $outputcharset = NLS::getCharset();
        $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);

        // Find the user
        if (empty($user)) {
            $user = Auth::getAuth();
            if (empty($user)) {
               $user = Util::getFormData('imapuser') . '@' . 

        // get the password
        $password = Auth::getCredential('password');
        if (empty($password)) {
            $password = Util::getFormData('pass');

        if ($ds) {
           Horde::logMessage($user . ',' . $searchBase, __FILE__, 
           $ldapbind = ldap_bind($ds, 'uid=' . $user . ',' . 
$searchBase, $password);

        $searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, 'uid=' . $user);
        $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
        $name = $user;

        if ($information['count'] != 0 && $information[0]['cn'][0] != '') {
            $name = $information[0]['cn'][0];

        $name = String::convertCharset($name, $ldapcharset, $outputcharset);
        return $name;

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