[horde] IMP configuration utility messes with PHP code
Lee Howard
faxguy at howardsilvan.com
Mon May 16 14:13:16 PDT 2005
Jan Schneider wrote:
>Zitat von Lee Howard <faxguy at howardsilvan.com>:
>>And I mean this comment to be constructive, so (for those who can make
>>use of it) please take it that way. I understand the need to have the
>>database tables change and such, but it certainly makes it a precarious
>>endeavor for upgrading. What would be *nice* would be if when such
>>database structure changes occur if Horde would just present the
>>administrator with a "Hey, the tables are not formatted properly" and
>>the option of updating the tables and migrate the stored data from the
>>administration screens... since Horde has permission to do that in the
>How about reading the upgrade instructions which explicitely mention
>this exact issue instead?
Actually, I read both UPGRADING and INSTALL a couple of times prior to
and while performing the upgrade. This is why I ran the upgrade script
as it describes.
Couldn't the upgrade script just also do:
DELETE FROM horde_prefs WHERE pref_name = 'date_format' OR pref_name =
or if that's too extreme, then to modify those "bad" entries to the
proper formatting?
And, I don't consider myself to be a dummy, but when I read the
"Preferences" notification in UPGRADING it seemed irrelevant to what I
was doing. Of course, now that I've seen the issue first-hand the
notification makes more sense to me, but I didn't go back to read
UPGRADING. (I did go back and re-read INSTALL.)
But what I am saying, though, is that for the sake of user-friendliness
in the upgrade process, couldn't most of these kinds of formatting
issues (even table structure issues) be handled semi-automatically?
Even the uid values changed, which was one of the first things that I
had to do (go through and remove all of the "@domain" from all of the
uid records).
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