[horde] OpenBSD 3.7 question

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Sun May 29 22:34:50 PDT 2005

BOFH <bofh at null-route.org> rašė:

> IMAP auth
> [Sun May 29 20:20:32 2005] [error] PHP Notice:  (null)(): Certificate 
> failure for 0.mx.null-route.org: unable to get local issuer 
> certificate: /CN=0.mx.null-route.org (errflg=2) in Unknown on line 0

If you are authentificating agains IMAP server with self signed 
sertificate don't forget adding novalidate-cert in apropriate parameter 
in conf.php.

In my casee:

  Best Regards,


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