[horde] Fwd: Re: Configuration Problem

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue May 31 11:46:20 PDT 2005

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von sscotti at sscotti.net -----
     Datum: Tue, 31 May 2005 13:31:09 -0500
       Von: "Stephen D. Scotti, M.D." <sscotti at sscotti.net>
Antwort an: sscotti at sscotti.net
   Betreff: Re: Configuration Problem
        An: jan at horde.org

I've actually read those a few times, especially this part:

4. Additional PECL Modules

   PECL is short for "PHP Extension Community Library".  The goal of PECL is
   to provide a means of easily distributing PHP extensions.

   For more information, see http://pecl.php.net/

   PECL is the "sister" of PEAR and uses the same packaging and distribution
   system as PEAR, so the configuration/setup is essentially identical to
   PEAR instructions above.

   When you install a PECL extension, you have to add it to your ``php.ini``
   so it gets loaded.  Add the following line to your ``php.ini`` file to
   the extension (the extension should be installed in the directory
   by the ``extension_dir`` option in ``php.ini``)::


   Or on Windows::


I do have it listed in my PHP.ini file.  The problem is that I am running
Windows and I don't actually have the fileinfo.dll file and that one that I
found on the web doesn't work, it won't load.

I've also executed the pear install fileinfo and get this message:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>pear install fileinfo
downloading Fileinfo-0.3.tgz ...
Starting to download Fileinfo-0.3.tgz (5,572 bytes)
.....done: 5,572 bytes
3 source files, building
The DSP Fileinfo.dsp does not exist.

The only reference to fileinfo.dll that I found on the web included these


Ilia Alshanetsky

And there was another one from some French online programmers Board.

These are my test.php files:


Turba Version

    * Turba: H3 (2.0.2)

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 5.0.4
    * PHP Major Version: 5.0
    * PHP Minor Version: 4
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * PHP 5 is supported experimentally. You may not see any error messages,
but the changed behaviour of objects in PHP 5 has unpredictable side

PHP Module Capabilities

    * MySQL Support: Yes
    * PostgreSQL Support: No
    * Microsoft SQL Support: Yes
    * Oracle Support: No
    * Unified ODBC Support: Yes
    * LDAP Support: Yes

PHP LDAP Support Test
Port		(defaults to "389")
Base DN		(e.g. "dc=example,dc=com")
User		(leave blank for anonymous)
Filter		(e.g. "cn=Babs Jensen")

Horde Version

    * Horde: 3.0.4

Horde Applications

    * Gollem: 1.0-cvs (run Gollem tests)
    * Horde: 3.0.4
    * Imp: H3 (4.0.3) (run Imp tests)
    * Kronolith: H3 (2.0.3)
    * Turba: H3 (2.0.2) (run Turba tests)

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 5.0.4
    * PHP Major Version: 5.0
    * PHP Minor Version: 4
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * PHP 5 is supported experimentally. You may not see any error messages,
but the changed behaviour of objects in PHP 5 has unpredictable side

PHP Module Capabilities

    * Ctype Support: Yes
    * DOM XML Support: Yes
    * FTP Support: Yes
    * GD Support: Yes
    * Gettext Support: Yes
    * Iconv Support: Yes
    * IMAP Support: Yes
    * LDAP Support: Yes
    * Mbstring Support: Yes
    * MCAL Support: No
    * Mcrypt Support: Yes
    * MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
      The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see below)
will most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde
PHP magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install
PECL/PHP extensions.
    * MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): Yes
    * MySQL Support: Yes
    * OpenSSL Support: Yes
    * PostgreSQL Support: No
    * Session Support: Yes
    * XML Support: Yes
    * Zlib Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
    * memory_limit disabled: Yes
    * file_uploads enabled: Yes
    * safe_mode disabled: Yes
    * session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
    * session.auto_start disabled: Yes

Required Horde Configuration Files

    * config/conf.php: Yes
    * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
    * config/nls.php: Yes
    * config/prefs.php: Yes
    * config/registry.php: Yes

PHP Sessions

    * Session counter: 1
    * To unregister the session: click here


    * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):
    * PEAR: Yes
    * Recent PEAR: Yes
    * Mail_RFC822: Yes
    * Mail_Mime: Yes
    * Log: Yes
    * DB: Yes
    * Net_Socket: Yes
    * Date: Yes
    * Auth_SASL: Yes
    * HTTP_Request: Yes
    * File: Yes
    * Net_SMTP: Yes
    * Services_Weather: Yes


IMP Version

    * IMP: H3 (4.0.3)

Other Horde Applications

    * gollem: Yes (Version: 1.0-cvs)
    * ingo: No
      Ingo provides basic mail filtering capabilities to IMP.
    * nag: No
      Nag allows tasks to be directly created from e-mail data.
    * turba: Yes (Version: H3 (2.0.2))

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 5.0.4
    * PHP Major Version: 5.0
    * PHP Minor Version: 4
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * PHP 5 is supported experimentally. You may not see any error messages,
but the changed behaviour of objects in PHP 5 has unpredictable side

PHP Module Capabilities

    * IMAP Support: Yes
    * OpenSSL Support: Yes

Miscellaneous PHP Settings

    * file_uploads enabled: Yes

Required IMP Configuration Files

    * config/conf.php: Yes
    * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
    * config/prefs.php: Yes
    * config/servers.php: Yes


    * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):
    * PEAR: Yes
    * Recent PEAR: Yes
    * HTTP_Request: Yes

PHP IMAP Support Test
Port:		(If non-standard port; leave blank to auto-detect using
standard ports)
Server Type:


Gollem Version

    * Gollem: 1.0-cvs

PHP Version

    * View phpinfo() screen
    * View loaded extensions
    * PHP Version: 5.0.4
    * PHP Major Version: 5.0
    * PHP Minor Version: 4
    * PHP Version Classification: release
    * PHP 5 is supported experimentally. You may not see any error messages,
but the changed behaviour of objects in PHP 5 has unpredictable side

PHP Module Capabilities

    * FTP Support: Yes

Gollem Configuration Files

    * config/backends.php: Yes
    * config/credentials.php: Yes
    * config/conf.php: Yes
    * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
    * config/prefs.php: Yes

PEAR Modules

    * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):
    * PEAR: Yes
    * Recent PEAR: Yes

Loaded PHP Extensions

<< Back to test.php
php version:	5.0.4
server api:	apache2handler
loaded extensions:	46
system:	Windows NT DEFAULT 5.1 build 2600

activated extensions: 	function list:
DateTime	function list
NT User API	function list
SPL	function list
SQLite	function list
SimpleXML	function list
apache2handler	function list
bcmath	function list
calendar	function list
com_dotnet	function list
ctype	function list
curl	function list
dom	function list
domxml	function list
eAccelerator	function list
filepro	function list
ftp	function list
gd	function list
gettext	function list
iconv	function list
imap	function list
ldap	function list
libxml	function list
mbstring	function list
mcrypt	function list
mime_magic	function list
ming	function list
mssql	function list
mysql	function list
odbc	function list
openssl	function list
pcre	function list
pdf	function list
perl	function list
phpdoc	function list
pop3	function list
session	function list
standard	function list
tokenizer	function list
wddx	function list
win32std	function list
xdebug	function list
xml	function list
xmlreader	function list
xsl	function list
zip	function list
zlib	function list

The problem that I'm having is that I can't import address from a .csv file
into Horde and the Weather.com feature isn't working.  This is also true of
the other weather plug.

Otherwise.  The whole system seems to be pretty nice.

Would it be better to use PHP 4.x rather than 5?

"Jan Schneider" <jan at horde.org> wrote in message
news:<20050531114654.auz7aapj9c4k00ks at neo.wg.de>...
> Zitat von "Stephen D. Scotti" <sscotti at sscotti.net>:
> > I nearly have Horde setup correctly, but I am having trouble with the
> > FileInfo extension.  I don't have it and don't know how to install it.
> It's documented in docs/INSTALL.
> Jan.
> -- 
> Do you need professional PHP or Horde consulting?
> http://horde.org/consulting/
> -- 
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----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----


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