[horde] Patched to horde 3.0.4 no sidebar.php

Damien McKenna damien at mc-kenna.com
Tue Jun 21 18:07:42 PDT 2005

Matthew Moore wrote:
> My sidebar also doesn't load after patching to 3.0.4 and no errors in
> the horde.log. I have given up putting version 3 into production at the
> moment. :(

Add a file called ".htaccess" to your root Horde directory that has the
following in it:

php_value error_reporting "E_ALL"
php_value display_errors "on"

See if that gives any extra output.  That's what happened to me,
display_errors was turned off so I wasn't seeing all the error messages, but
once I could see them I was able to go through and fix everything.


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