[horde] IMP setup

Edwin L. Culp eculp at encontacto.net
Wed Jun 22 04:00:40 PDT 2005

Quoting Dany Wu <dany at wu.net.nz>:

> Hi everyone,
> I can't seem to get IMP to log on to my IMAP server even with the correct
> credentials. Admittedly I am a Linux newbie, and even worse at PHP. Here's
> my servers.php content:
> ========================================
> <?php
> $servers['imap'] = array(
>    'name' => 'IMAP Server',
>    'server' => 'wu.net.nz',
>    'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
>    'port' => 143,
>    'folders' => '',
>    'namespace' => '',
>    'maildomain' => 'wu.net.nz',
>    'smtphost' => 'smtp.qsi.net.nz',
>    'smtpport' => 25,
>    'realm' => '',
>    'dotfiles' => false
> );
> ?>
> =========================================
> Did I miss anything? It's a very standard server, and I have tried imap as
> well as imap/notls protocols. Yet everytime I try to log on it failed.
> Any suggestions would be immensely appreciated.

Dany, The you might try using the imp imap test login on your server 
located at horde/imp/test.php.  Test manually with the above 
information and see if it works as expected. That is one of the first 
things that I do when I have a problem.  Be sure an monitor your log 
files for errors or success (hopefully).  If you aren't successful and 
don't understand the errors, send them to the list with more 
information about your installation.

good luck,


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