[horde] How to change Nag layout plugin?

Damien McKenna damien at mc-kenna.com
Mon Jun 27 10:39:38 PDT 2005

Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>>Supposing I wanted to change the Nag layout plugin so that I could
>>select a specific note to show, what file would I start with?
> If I understand what you're talking about, you'd start with 
> nag/lib/Block/summary.php.

First off, I got the project names mixed up and I'm actually thinking of 

Anyway, what I was thinking of was making another layout block for the 
Horde portal page that let you pick a specific note to display, as 
opposed to the summary view.  Am I correct in saying that each file in 
the /horde/(projectname)/lib/Block/ directory is considered another 
option in the Horde portal page layout editor?  Is there any 
documentation on this?

Thanks again.


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