[horde] IMAP -> LDAP authentication problem.

Michael S Lim Michael.Lim at eigenstones.com
Thu Aug 4 04:49:47 PDT 2005

Thanks to all who has replied to my plea, especially Alan,

I somehow got it working, the difference is:

Old way:  I let imp handle my authentication, and imp is using IMAP directly.

New way;  I use Horde to authenticate through LDAP, and then use imp to 
authenticate again but using IMAP. 

new way works.  

Question:  Is this the only way to make this work? Can I reduce this login to 
once only so that users on the system won't get confused ?

best wishes

引用 Ben Chavet <ben at horde.org>:

> > Has anyone actually done this before ? I could have overlooked in the
> mailing
> > list. I would appreciate if anyone could give me a lead.
> Yes, no problems here.  Can you post the relevant portion of 
> imp/config/servers.php?
> --Ben

Eigen Stones
Michael Lim (Managing Director)
Tel: 61 3 9562 0140
Mob: 61 (0)412 544 795
Fax: 61 3 9562 1789

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