[horde] users are able to login without password...

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Aug 4 07:16:05 PDT 2005

Hello Anant,

Thursday, August 4, 2005, 4:26:58 PM, you wrote:

> This did not help.

> I have set the following in php.ini:

> session.cookie_lifetime = 36000

> and horde/config/conf.php

> $conf['session']['timeout'] = 36000;

> My requirement is, the user should not get session_timeout within the 
> same day. But, closing browser should not allow him to login without 
> username and
> password.

> What are the correct settings for both to achieve that?

$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;

Best regards,
 Vilius                            mailto:vilius at lnk.lt

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