[horde] weird sql

Kevin Konowalec kevin at ualberta.net
Thu Aug 18 08:15:57 PDT 2005

Is it normal when turning logging to debug mode to see lots of  
entries like this:

Aug 18 09:13:30 HORDE [debug] [imp] SQL Query by  
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents  
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = ? AND group_uid = ? ORDER  
BY datatree_id [on line 179 of "/var/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/ 
Aug 18 09:13:30 HORDE [debug] [imp] SQL Query by  
DataTree_sql::_buildLoadQuery(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents  
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = ? AND group_uid = ? ORDER  
BY datatree_id [on line 179 of "/var/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/ 

I'm seeing HUNDREDS in my logs....

On another note - we're getting intermittent problems that we're  
having a hard time tracking down.  When users are clicking send after  
composing or replying to a message they're getting page not found  
errors.  But if they hit the back button and send again it works.   
Has anyone else encountered this and could suggest where I could look  
to correct it?



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