[horde] Upgrading MySQL 4.0->4.1

Toomas Aas toomas.aas at raad.tartu.ee
Wed Aug 24 04:05:05 PDT 2005


I have an installation of following Horde components:

Horde MySQL database is currently running on MySQL 4.0.20. Horde 
database is the only important MySQL database on this server.

I want to upgrade MySQL to 4.1.13. I wonder if any of the 'incompatible 
changes' in MySQL (as listed at 
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/upgrading-from-4-0.html) might affect 
the Horde database? Could this MySQL upgrade break my Horde installation?

I would prefer to not upgrade the Horde components themselves, because I 
don't want to confuse my poor users.

I understand that I can (and I will) run MySQL 4.0.20 with the '--new' 
switch and see if something breaks, but I'm afraid to mis something.

Toomas Aas --------------------------------------------------------
|arvutivõrgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks|
|Tartu Linnakantselei       | Tartu City Office                   |
----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274

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