[horde] Problems with Metar

Norbert Schulze nschulze at jobelmannschule.de
Thu Oct 27 02:45:46 PDT 2005


My Horde: horde 3.2.cvs with imp,nag,mnemo,turba,kronolith,jonah cvs 
versions from last week.
Database: mysql
OS: SuSE 10.0

I cannot see any locations, when I try to configure the Metar block in 
the horde portal block configuraton.

I have built the metarLocations and metarAirports table with the 
buildMetarDB.php script from Services_Weather with the option to insert 
them into the default horde database. I added the following table 
grants: Select, Insert, Update, Delete for localhost.

I also cannot see any debug messages in the PEAR_LOG.

What's wrong?


Norbert Schulze
Jobelmann-Schule Stade
Stade, Niedersachsen, Germany

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