[horde] Wrong date displayed in Horde apps

Jason Dixon jason at dixongroup.net
Thu Nov 3 09:52:57 PST 2005

On Nov 3, 2005, at 12:14 PM, Jason Dixon wrote:

> When viewing mails in IMP, all mails are listed with a date +05:00
> from the real date.  This is the same regardless of whether I have my
> time/local set to -05:00 in the Horde options, or leave it as default
> (we are -05:00).  Both the webserver and the remote IMAP server both
> report the correct system time.  I've had another user claim that
> calendar events "slide off the page", although I haven't seen this
> first-hand.  Any ideas?

I have gotten clarification and reproduced the calendar behavior  
reported by a user.  If the end time of an event is less than +05:00,  
then it no longer shows in the Calendar Summary module in the "front  
page".  For whatever reason, Horde simply thinks we're +05:00.

Scratching my head...

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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