[horde] Horde with a big Ldap database

Schelstraete Bart bart at schelstraete.org
Sun Nov 6 09:42:17 PST 2005

Hello !

I installed the latest stable Horde & Imp on my system.
And I'm using LDAP authentication , so that users are using the LDAP to
connect to Horde/Imp.
That works without  any problem........but I have 1 issue with this.
Our LDAP contains more then 400.000 users, and if I'm going to Users in
Administration in Horde it will only show 2000 users. Which isn't a
problem, because it shouldn't load more users.
But the problem is that I can't search for other users.

Same problem for the Groups option in Administration. I cannot added
users to a group because it will only load 2000 users, and I can't
search for users in the groups option.

Any idea if there is a workaround for this or how this can be solved?


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