[horde] php 4.4.1 + new warning msg

brian@highstream.kicks-ass.org brian at highstream.kicks-ass.org
Wed Nov 9 07:18:24 PST 2005

After upgrading to PHP 4.4.1 I am getting a log full of messages like this:

[09-Nov-2005 10:00:06] PHP Notice:  Only variable references should be
returned by reference in
/usr/local/apache/av_com_webmail/mail/lib/MIME/Viewer.php on line 64

and other places that have lines like this at the reported line number:

return new $class($params);

which I assume means "new $class($params)" is an object and not a variable
and is throwing this warning message. should I just turn off warning
messages in php.ini and forget about it?

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