[horde] Granular administration for Horde? (for virtual domains)

Jan Van Uytven reaptide at gmail.com
Sat Nov 12 23:11:39 PST 2005

Hi All,

I'm a newcomer to Horde. I got Horde/Imp set up to interface with my
postfix/courier-imap installation, which uses virtual domains. Users uids
are set to their email addresses. Thus far, besides imp, I have accounts set
up. I'm very pleased thus far, but I'm faced with a new challenge: allowing
domain administrators the ability to log on and add/remove users from their
specific domains. All the information is set up in a MySql table.

Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? The composite authentication
driver seems like a start, but thus far I've only found the one piece of
documentation on it - at
http://wiki.horde.org/AuthCompositeHowTo?referrer=HowTo - which is rather
sketchy (doesn't even specify which file is being modified).


Jan Van Uytven

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