[horde] trouble with 2 PEAR files in test.php

Dan McCullough dan.mccullough at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 09:12:15 PST 2005

Well I'm sure its not test.php fault.  My problem happens on two of
the PEAR installs.  HTTP_Request and XML_Serializer I download and
install and place it where Horde can find it, when I refresh the
test.php page it goes blank, if I move the Request.php for example to
Request.php-old then the test page will reload.  Same thing with
Serializer.php.  Anyone else had any problems with these two?  I have
googled and checked the archives to see if there is anything similar
and I can't find anything but its also not throwing any errors, just
doesnt display the page.

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