[horde] Horde logs

Kevin Konowalec kevin at ualberta.net
Thu Nov 17 09:47:22 PST 2005

Has anyone attempted to add any session identifiers into the horde  
logs?  When running multiple front ends it can be tough to track down  
what machine a user was using and what they were doing when there is  
a complaint or security issue.  I've set up Horde to use syslog and  
am sending logs to a remote machine so all logs are written to the  
same place.  What I'd like to be able to do is grep for a unique  
identifier like a session ID that would remain constant in the logs  
for a user's entire session, regardless if he is bounced around  
between servers in the course of his session.  Currently nothing like  
that seems to be in there.

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