[horde] Authentication to a Windows 2003 ADS

Joost De Cock Joost.DeCock at astrid.be
Mon Nov 28 22:36:49 PST 2005

On Monday 28 November 2005 19:14, Jon-Michael DeShazer hurled the following on 
the wire:
> Is this possible, or am I going to have to enter in hundreds of user
> names so they can use the Horde framework?  How would I set up
> authentication using a Windows 2003 server?

Hello Jon-Michael,

In my setup, the mailserver uses the AD credentials (MS Exchange in the 
backend). In that case, you can just use IMAP authentication to the 
mailserver, wich boils down to having AD authentication.
Just offload horde authentication to IMP.
My users can choose from a list of 12 servers, all MS Exchange authenticated 
by AD (through IMAP).
If your setup is different, this might not be usefull. But this could:

I have a _horde_hook_postauthenticate function in hooks.php that checks 
membership of a given group ('hordeusers' in my case) in AD.

I can sent you the code if you want it.


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