[horde] Horde, error: "Only variable references should be returned by reference"

matej support at repro-print.si
Mon Dec 12 05:31:38 PST 2005

My test.php info file:

Horde Version

*	Horde: 3.0.8

PHP Version

*	View phpinfo() screen
*	View loaded extensions
*	PHP Version: 5.1.1
*	PHP Major Version: 5.1
*	PHP Minor Version: 1
*	PHP Version Classification: release
*	Wow, a mystical version of PHP from the future. Let
dev at lists.horde.org know what version you have so we can fix this

PHP Module Capabilities

*	Ctype Support: Yes
*	DOM XML Support: Yes
*	FTP Support: Yes
*	GD Support: Yes
*	Gettext Support: Yes
*	Iconv Support: Yes
*	IMAP Support: Yes
*	LDAP Support: Yes
*	Mbstring Support: Yes
*	Mcrypt Support: Yes
*	MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
	The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see
below) will most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the
built-in Horde PHP magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on
how to install PECL/PHP extensions. 
*	MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): Yes
*	MySQL Support: Yes
*	OpenSSL Support: Yes
*	PostgreSQL Support: No
*	Session Support: Yes
*	XML Support: Yes
*	Zlib Support: Yes

Required Horde Configuration Files

*	config/conf.php: Yes
*	config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
*	config/nls.php: Yes
*	config/prefs.php: Yes
*	config/registry.php: Yes


*	PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):
*	PEAR: Yes
*	Recent PEAR: Yes
*	Mail: Yes
*	Mail_Mime: Yes
*	Log: Yes
*	DB: Yes
*	Net_Socket: Yes
*	Date: Yes
*	Auth_SASL: Yes
*	HTTP_Request: Yes
*	File: Yes
*	Net_SMTP: Yes
*	Services_Weather: Yes
*	XML_Serializer: Yes


When I go to the root page, I get this error:

Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/disk/www/3dvizija/horde/lib/Horde/Perms.php on line 341
Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in
/disk/www/3dvizija/horde/lib/Horde/Auth.php on line 1168


What to do? Is this error in Horde source, or my configuration?


Regards, Matej

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