[horde] Minor issue with test.php

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Wed Dec 28 18:29:28 PST 2005

Jan Schneider wrote:

>> If memory_limit is -1 test.php probably shouldn't complain like it
>> does here.
> I already looked at that earlier but it would require rewriting some  
> parts of the test framework. I didn't consider this worth it, because  
> I guess everyone smart enough to set the memory_limit to -1 should  
> also be smart enough to not get fooled by this warning.

Heh - fair enough - I'll take that as a compliment.  :P

FWIW - way back when (6-8 months ago) I was working on a SquirrelMail 
-> Turba address book export (for SM configured to use MySQL address 
book backend) - I'll hopefully be able to finish that up now.  I've 
noticed a substantial improvement in the quality of H3 / Imp4 / etc.

Nice work.


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