[horde] Solved: Restrict Horde login by LDAP group

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Fri Jan 27 19:51:45 PST 2006

On Fri, 2006-01-27 at 10:30 -0500, Derek Dresser wrote:
> In the hopes of saving others time, and supplementing my memory, here's how I
> got Horde to restrict login access by LDAP (openLDAP) group.
> -Derek
>  Horde Authentication by LDAP group
> After quite a lot of playing with LDAP ACL's, I discovered the way to
> authenticate users normally using IMP and LDAP, and then restrict them by
> membership in a particular LDAP group. This allows us to run multiple different
> Horde installations on the same box and restrict who can log into each by
> creating an appropriate group. It also allows us to use IMP for authentication
> resulting in a single login for the users.
> postauthenticate hook
> There are multiple custom hooks available in Horde. Two of these are the
> preauthenticate and postauthenticate hooks. The basic idea is to allow IMP to
> authenticate with IMAP and the use the postauthenticate hook to enforce the
> further requirement of specific LDAP group membership.
> postauthenticate hook for openldap groups
> I took the example provided for Active Directory groups and modified it to use
> openLDAP groups. The major difference is that in Active Directory, it appears
> that the group membership information is stored in the user account using the
> "memberof" attribute. In openLDAP, the group membership information is
> (typically, in my experience) stored in the group object using the "member"
> attribute, so instead of searching the user dn for a list of groups, we end up
> searching the group object for a list of members.
> Here is the modified hook.
> // Here is an example of validating the user's right to login to Horde by
> // consulting group membership in an LDAP directory.  That way, if your Horde
> // installation is configured to authenticate against IMP which in turn
> // authenticate via IMAP, it is still possible to limit access to Horde by
> // group membership.  The following example had been made with an openLDAP
> // Directory in mind.  Note that if the LDAP directory is unavailable or some
> // other error occur, authentication will fail.
>  if (!function_exists('_horde_hook_postauthenticate')) {
>      function _horde_hook_postauthenticate($userID, $credential, $realm)
>      {
>          $ldapServer = 'localhost';
>          $ldapPort = '389';
>          // Note that credential is sent plain-text in this case, so don't use
>          // privileged account here or setup SSL (by using port 636 above).
>          // uncomment if not using an anonymous bind
>          //$binddn = 'uid=bindn,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com';
>          //$bindpw = 'password';
>          // search base for LDAP groups
>          $searchBase = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com';
>          $groupAttr = 'cn';
>          // Group membership attribute, need to be all lowercase
>          $groupMembershipAttr = 'member';
>          // Attribute to check for right to use Horde
>          $groupName = 'horde_authorized_group_name';
>          $ret = false;
>          $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
>          // used to set the LDAP protocol to version 3 (recommended)
>          // not necessary if your LDAP server supports version 2
>          ldap_set_option($ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3);
>          if (@ldap_bind($ds, $binddn, $bindpw)) {
>              $searchResult = @ldap_search($ds, $searchBase, $groupAttr . '=' .
> $groupName, array($groupMembershipAttr), 0, 1, 5);
>              if ($information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult)) {
>                  // make pattern case-insensitive
>                  $pattern = '/' . $userID . '/i';
>                  foreach ($information[0][$groupMembershipAttr] as $group) {
>                      if (preg_match($pattern, $group)) {
>                          $ret = true;
>                          break;
>                      }
>                  }
>              }
>          }
>          ldap_close($ds);
>          return $ret;
>      }
>  }
> enabling the postauthenticate hook
> In the Horde administrative interface, select the "custom function hooks" tab
> and check the box for
> function _horde_hook_postauthenticate()
awesome Derek - suggest that you put it up on wiki.horde.org for


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