[horde] Composite authentication driver not invoking hooks calls?

Kevin M. Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Thu Feb 9 13:48:49 PST 2006


I have recently been testing the composite authentication driver and 
using the browser select toggle to switch between a full Horde portal 
for desktop browsers, and just MIMP for mobile browsers.  The toggle is 
between LDAP (full Horde) and letting just MIMP handle logins (mobile 
browser).  This works well, with one exception:  I am using a hook to 
set the from_addr preference.  Using LDAP as the authentication driver, 
the from_addr value gets set properly.  If I switch to using the 
composite driver, the from_addr value no longer gets set properly, and 
IMP shows "INVALID_ADDRESS at .SYNTAX-ERROR." for the address, despite the 
fact that after the browser detection is done, the authentication 
driver values are essentially the same under the composite driver, as 
they were using just the LDAP driver.

So why does using the composite driver not generate a hook call to 
lookup the from_addr, but using the LDAP driver does?

I've verified this behavior in both Horde 3.0.9 and HEAD.

Here is my composite config:

$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'composite';
$conf['auth']['params']['drivers'] = array(
    'ldap' => array('driver' => 'ldap',
                    'params' => array('hostspec' => 
'directory2.example.com directory1.example.com',
                                      'basedn' => 
                                      'version' => '3',
                                      'uid' => 'mail',
                                      'objectclass' => array('person'),
                                      'filter_type' => 'objectclass')),
    'mimp' => array('driver' => 'application',
                    'params' => array('app' => 'mimp')));
$conf['auth']['params']['loginscreen_switch'] = '_horde_select_loginscreen';
if (!function_exists('_horde_select_loginscreen')) {
    function _horde_select_loginscreen()
        require_once 'Horde/Browser.php';
        $browser = new Browser();
        if ($browser->isMobile()) {
            return 'mimp';
        return 'ldap';

With those settings, a full browser gets a full portal and a mobile 
browser gets just mimp.  But from_addr is not set properly.

With the following settings, from_addr is properly set by the hook:

$conf['auth']['params']['hostspec'] = 'directory2.example.com 
$conf['auth']['params']['basedn'] = 'ou=People,dc=iu13,dc=example,dc=com';
$conf['auth']['params']['version'] = '3';
$conf['auth']['params']['uid'] = 'mail';
$conf['auth']['params']['objectclass'] = array('person');
$conf['auth']['params']['filter_type'] = 'objectclass';
$conf['auth']['driver'] = 'ldap';

The horde/config/pref.php setting for from_addr:
// user preferred email address for From: line
$_prefs['from_addr'] = array(
    'value' => '',
    'locked' => true,
    'shared' => true,
    'type' => 'text',
    'desc' =>  _("Your From: address:"),
    'hook' => true

The hook for setting from_addr:
if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_from_addr')) {

   function _prefs_hook_from_addr($uid = null)
       global $conf;
       $domain_name = 'example.com';
       $ldapServer = 'directory2.example.com directory1.example.com';
       $ldapPort = '389';
       $searchBase = 'ou=People,dc=example,dc=com';
       $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);

        if (is_null($uid)) {
            $uid = Auth::getAuth();

       if (@ldap_bind($ds)) {
         $searchResult = @ldap_list($ds, $searchBase, 
$conf['auth']['params']['uid'] . '=' . $uid);

       $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);

        // derive the email address if possible
        if ($information[0]['mail'][0] != '') {
           $emailname = $information[0]['mail'][0];
        } else {
           $emailname = $information[0]['uid'][0] . '@' . $domain_name;


         return $emailname;

Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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