[horde] Hooks - from_addr & fullname

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Mar 2 05:36:34 PST 2006

Zitat von Lee Evans <horde at leeevans.org>:

> Hi,
> I'm hoping somebody will be able to help me. I've setup horde, imp & turba
> to provide a webmail interface to our corporate exchange server.
> I've succesfully setup turba to provide the Exchange GAL using LDAP queries
> back to our domain controllers.
> I have a couple of final changes I need to make to ensure that the users get
> a smooth experience - automatically configured from addresses, full names
> and signatures. Once I've got one of these working I'm pretty confident I
> can work out the others, but at the moment I'm struggling.
> I have the following in hooks.php and have configured prefs.php to use the
> hook.
> function _prefs_hook_fullname($user = null)
>      {
>          $ldapServer = '192.168.x.x';
>          $ldapPort = '389';
>          $binddn = 'ldapuser at company.com';
>          $bindpw = 'password';
>          $searchBase = 'ou=Company Users,cn=company,cn=com';
>          $ds = @ldap_connect($ldapServer, $ldapPort);
>          if (is_null($user)) {
>              $user = Auth::getAuth();
>          }
>         if (@ldap_bind($ds, $binddn, $bindpw)) {
>          $searchResult = @ldap_list($ds, $searchBase, 'mail=' . $user);
>         }
>         $information = @ldap_get_entries($ds, $searchResult);
>         $name = $information[0]['cn'][0];
>          ldap_close($ds);
>         return $name;
>      }
> Which isn't working. If I substitue the last $name for an arbitrary string
> this is correctly assigned to the fullname so the hook itself is being run -
> so I guess it must be the LDAP parts that aren't working. I've tried
> different combinations of attributes etc to search for, but without any
> luck.

Start with removing the "@" operator to see error messages returned  
from the ldap functions.


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