[horde] Horde 3.0.4 from OpenBSD ports doesn't work!

snoop@email.it snoop at email.it
Sat Mar 11 09:49:04 PST 2006

Wow!!!! Partially solved the enigma!!!
Now when I finish to configure conf.php all functions work correctly (users and group configuration etc...) and all data was writed/readed correctly to/from my postgresql db ... but crypt-blowfish doesn't work properly!!!
Setting up auth crypt-blowfish, only a ":" was writed in the "user_pass" field in the "horde_users" table of the db "horde".
Using crypt mechanism I obtain a correct crypt hash.
Now ... 2 problems again!!!

1) OpenBSD use (by default) bcrypt to generate a 60 char hash (starting with this 4 char "$2a$"). How to use this system default mechanism with horde replacing the weak crypt algorithm?

2 {more serious problem}) Why using the fully functional crypt algorithm, logging in with right administrator credential (or normal user) ... I've been still redirected on the f#@[%d horde project web page?!?!?!?!

Please help me, I'm getting mad with this redirection!!!


On Tue, 7 Mar 2006 15:33:47 +0100
"snoop at email.it" <snoop at email.it> wrote:

> I've built Horde from latest stable OpenBSD 3.8 ports. The release is 3.0.4.
> I've followed step by step the installation/configuration (and database creation) guide.
> I'm using PostgreSQL server v.8.0.4 built from the same ports tree (and work perfectly).
> I've built all from the same ports tree and is in sync with the kernel release ...
> ... all running on a dual athlon 2000+ but I don't think it's a relevant info.
> If I enable datatree I display this message on browser:
> "A fatal error has occurred
> DB Error: connect failed
> Details have been logged for the administrator."
> 1:anything was logged on /tmp/horde.log and the file doesn't exist
> 2:horde never try to connect to my postgresql server
> If I disable datatree uncommenting (in the config file appended below)
> $conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'null';
> and commenting
> $conf['datatree']['params']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['persistent'] = false;
> $conf['datatree']['params']['port'] = 5432;
> $conf['datatree']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['password'] = '************';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'custom';
> $conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'sql';
> (it's the same result that disabling datatree from web configurator)
> I open the login screen, but if I use a correct or uncorrect 
> username/password I've been automatically redirected to www.horde.org.
> Login on imp it's the same but I've been redirected to www.microsoft.com !!!
> Anything of useful are logged by horde!!! :-@
> I know that my english it's not so good but I think I have been clear.
> I hope that someone can help me!
> Thanks a lot.
> P.S. On OpenBSD ports Horde is "chained" to php 5.0.4 and isn't possible to build it with php 4.x.
> _____________________________________________________________________
> This is my horde test page:
> _____________________________________________________________________
> Horde Version
>     * Horde: 3.0.4
> Horde Applications
>     * Horde: 3.0.4
>     * Imp: H3 (4.0.2) (run Imp tests)
>     * Turba: H3 (2.0.2) (run Turba tests)
> PHP Version
>     * View phpinfo() screen
>     * View loaded extensions
>     * PHP Version: 5.0.4
>     * PHP Major Version: 5.0
>     * PHP Minor Version: 4
>     * PHP Version Classification: release
>     * PHP 5 is supported experimentally. You may not see any error messages, but the changed behaviour of objects in PHP 5 has unpredictable side effects.
> PHP Module Capabilities
>     * Ctype Support: Yes
>     * DOM XML Support: No
>     * FTP Support: Yes
>     * GD Support: Yes
>     * Gettext Support: Yes
>     * Iconv Support: Yes
>     * IMAP Support: Yes
>     * LDAP Support: No
>     * Mbstring Support: No
>     * MCAL Support: No
>     * Mcrypt Support: Yes
>     * MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
>       The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see below) will most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde PHP magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install PECL/PHP extensions.
>     * MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): No
>       The fileinfo PECL module (see above) or the mime_magic PHP extension will most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde PHP magic code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install PECL/PHP extensions.
>     * MySQL Support: No
>     * OpenSSL Support: Yes
>     * PostgreSQL Support: Yes
>     * Session Support: Yes
>     * XML Support: Yes
>     * Zlib Support: Yes
> Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>     * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
>     * memory_limit disabled: Yes
>     * file_uploads enabled: Yes
>     * safe_mode disabled: Yes
>     * session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
>     * session.auto_start disabled: Yes
> Required Horde Configuration Files
>     * config/conf.php: Yes
>     * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
>     * config/nls.php: Yes
>     * config/prefs.php: Yes
>     * config/registry.php: Yes
> PHP Sessions
>     * Session counter: 1
>     * To unregister the session: click here
>     * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):  /horde/lib:.:/pear/lib:/var/www/pear/lib
>     * PEAR: Yes
>     * Recent PEAR: Yes
>     * Mail_RFC822: No
>       Make sure you are using a recent version of PEAR which includes the Mail_RFC822 class.
>     * Mail_Mime: Yes
>     * Log: Yes
>     * DB: Yes
>     * Net_Socket: Yes
>     * Date: Yes
>     * Auth_SASL: Yes
>     * HTTP_Request: No
>       Parts of Horde (HTML composition in IMP, Jonah, the XML-RPC client/server) use the HTTP_Request library to retrieve URLs and do other HTTP requests.
>     * File: No
>       Horde will work without the File_CSV class, but there may be errors when importing some CSV files.
>     * Net_SMTP: Yes
>     * Services_Weather: Yes
> _____________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________
> This is my horde conf.php file:
> _____________________________________________________________________
> <?php
> // $Horde: horde/config/conf.xml,v 2005/03/22 11:40:14 jan Exp $
> $conf['debug_level'] = E_ALL;
> $conf['max_exec_time'] = 0;
> $conf['use_ssl'] = 2;
> $conf['server']['name'] = $_SERVER[''];
> $conf['server']['port'] = $_SERVER[''];
> $conf['compress_pages'] = true;
> $conf['umask'] = 077;
> $conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
> $conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
> $conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
> $conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER[''];
> $conf['cookie']['path'] = '/horde';
> $conf['sql']['persistent'] = true;
> $conf['sql']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['sql']['username'] = 'mail';
> $conf['sql']['password'] = '************';
> $conf['sql']['port'] = 5432;
> $conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['sql']['database'] = 'mail_test';
> $conf['sql']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
> $conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['auth']['admins'] = array('yuri at test.net');
> $conf['auth']['checkip'] = true;
> $conf['auth']['params']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['auth']['params']['port'] = 5432;
> $conf['auth']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['auth']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['auth']['params']['username'] = 'mail';
> $conf['auth']['params']['password'] = '************';
> $conf['auth']['params']['database'] = 'mail_test';
> $conf['auth']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'custom';
> $conf['auth']['params']['table'] = 'user_account';
> $conf['auth']['params']['username_field'] = 'username';
> $conf['auth']['params']['password_field'] = 'password';
> $conf['auth']['params']['encryption'] = 'crypt-blowfish';
> $conf['auth']['params']['show_encryption'] = false;
> $conf['auth']['driver'] = 'sql';
> $conf['signup']['allow'] = false;
> $conf['signup']['approve'] = true;
> $conf['signup']['preprocess'] = false;
> $conf['signup']['queue'] = false;
> $conf['log']['priority'] = PEAR_LOG_DEBUG;
> $conf['log']['ident'] = 'HORDE';
> $conf['log']['params'] = array();
> $conf['log']['name'] = 'log_table';
> $conf['log']['params']['append'] = true;
> $conf['log']['params']['mode'] = 600;
> $conf['log']['type'] = 'file';
> $conf['log']['enabled'] = true;
> $conf['log_accesskeys'] = false;
> $conf['prefs']['driver'] = 'none';
> //$conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'null';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['phptype'] = 'pgsql';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['persistent'] = false;
> $conf['datatree']['params']['port'] = 5432;
> $conf['datatree']['params']['protocol'] = 'tcp';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['hostspec'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['username'] = 'horde';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['password'] = '************';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['database'] = 'horde';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
> $conf['datatree']['params']['driverconfig'] = 'custom';
> $conf['datatree']['driver'] = 'sql';
> $conf['group']['driver'] = 'datatree';
> $conf['cache']['default_lifetime'] = 1800;
> $conf['cache']['params']['dir'] = Horde::getTempDir();
> $conf['cache']['driver'] = 'file';
> $conf['token']['driver'] = 'none';
> $conf['mailer']['params']['host'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['mailer']['params']['port'] = 25;
> $conf['mailer']['params']['localhost'] = 'localhost';
> $conf['mailer']['params']['auth'] = '1';
> $conf['mailer']['type'] = 'smtp';
> $conf['vfs']['params']['vfsroot'] = '/tmp';
> $conf['vfs']['type'] = 'file';
> $conf['sessionhandler']['type'] = 'none';
> $conf['problems']['email'] = 'webmaster at test.net';
> $conf['menu']['always'] = false;
> $conf['menu']['links']['help'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['options'] = 'authenticated';
> $conf['menu']['links']['problem'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['login'] = 'all';
> $conf['menu']['links']['logout'] = 'authenticated';
> $conf['hooks']['username'] = false;
> $conf['hooks']['preauthenticate'] = false;
> $conf['hooks']['postauthenticate'] = false;
> $conf['hooks']['authldap'] = false;
> $conf['kolab']['enabled'] = false;
> _____________________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________________
>  --
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> -- 
> Horde mailing list - Join the hunt: http://horde.org/bounties/#horde
> Frequently Asked Questions: http://horde.org/faq/
> To unsubscribe, mail: horde-unsubscribe at lists.horde.org
 Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te: http://www.email.it/f
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 Clicca qui: http://adv.email.it/cgi-bin/foclick.cgi?mid=4844&d=11-3

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