[horde] Apache running Horde segfaults

Ryan Novosielski novosirj+hordelist at umdnj.edu
Tue Apr 4 09:15:03 PDT 2006

Hash: SHA1

Hey Daniel,

To start out, I've got roughly the same configuration. I run RHEL4.3 WS
on a V20z machine. The differences are that I run Horde 3.0.10 and
MySQL, but my problem is the same and everything else is the same, and
I'm currently solving it by restarting Apache every once in awhile
during peak periods. This is a solution I abhor, but I have to if I want
to keep the machine running.

The problem appears to be at least somewhat related the the machine
being 64-bit. I've heard suggestions by the author of Bacula that there
might be a gcc bug on 64-bit platforms with regard to memory addressing.
I've also seen some evidence to indicate that 64-bit Linux platforms are
not stable for PHP. Unfortunately, that one doesn't fly for me because
that is the equipment I've got. I've considered putting 32-bit Apache on
the machine, but that's a gamble and I do not have spare equipment to
try this on.

It might be worth noting what I've tried so far, and the results. First
off, I've removed mod_perl; reports say that these two share memory
improperly. I don't use mod_perl, so there's no reason for me to have
had it installed anyway. This improved things a certain amount, but did
not kill off the problem. Removing turck_mmcache DID seem to quell the
problem altogether, but my machine cannot handle the load without the
piece of software. I've seen suggestions that PHP accelerators are
particularly susceptible to this kind of thing on 64-bit platforms.

Where do we go from here? No idea really. One idea that recently came to
me is to lower "MaxRequestsPerChild" to ensure more subserver turnover.
Not sure what mine is set to right now. If it's unlimited, changing this
value might stop the problem.

It is definitely worth knowing that this IS a problem though, it's on a
major architecture (AMD64, or at least Sun AMD64 and RHEL4). I hope that
something can be accomplished here.

 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - User Support Spec. III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |novosirj at umdnj.edu - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630

Daniel A. Ramaley wrote:
> Hello. I have been testing a Horde Imp webmail server for some time. 
> Yesterday it finally went live, and the amount of traffic the server 
> had to deal with increased by a couple orders of magnitude. Since then 
> there has been a major problem. After running fine for awhile (where 
> "awhile" is on the order of an hour and a half), the server will start 
> returning empty pages. When this happens, Apache's error_log gets 
> filled with lines like this:
> [Tue Apr 04 08:07:06 2006] [notice] child pid 9954 exit signal 
> Segmentation fault (11)
> We are using a PostgreSQL database. It continually writes messages to 
> its log (whether there is a problem or not) that look like:
> Apr  4 08:23:17 sun12 postgres[10281]: [1-1] LOG:  unexpected EOF on 
> client connection
> At one time i was having a problem with PostgreSQL not accepting enough 
> client connections; right now it is set to "max_connections = 256". I 
> believe the relevant line in Apache's configuration is "MaxClients 128" 
> which is clearly less than PostgreSQL's limit so it shouldn't be a 
> problem anymore.
> Has anyone seen a problem like this? How did you fix it?
> The server is a Sun v40z, which is a dual Opteron box with 2 GB RAM. It 
> is running Red Hat Enterprise AS 4, with these versions of the Horde 
> software and other components:
>   Horde 3.1.1
>   Imp 4.1
>   Ingo 1.1
>   Kronolith 2.1
>   Passwd 3.0
>   Turba 2.1
> The Apache version is 2.0.52, with PHP 4.3.9 and PostgreSQL 7.4.8. All 
> the server runs is the web server and database; the Imap server it 
> connects to is on a different machine. We are also using ldap address 
> books, but they again are on a different machine. The Horde server has 
> plenty of CPU (about 70% idle when it is getting hit hardest) and RAM 
> (over half of the RAM is just being used by Linux for caching).
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dan Ramaley                            Dial Center 118, Drake University
> Network Programmer/Analyst             2407 Carpenter Ave
> +1 515 271-4540                        Des Moines IA 50311 USA
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