[horde] Failure in modifying vacation notice:

Enrique Llanos V. ellanosv at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 15:25:52 PDT 2006

Hi dudes,

Im trying to setup the vacation plugin, the vacation plugin connects
to the users mysqldb successfully but when clicking the button
[Submit] (after filling the fileds properly), a error message appears:
"Failure in modifying vacation notice:"

tail -f /var/log/horde.log shows:

Apr 19 17:15:41 HORDE [notice] [imp] Login success for
yyyyyy at xxxxx.tld [$MY_IP] to {my_server.com:143} [on line 150 of

Nothing else, no error reports... does anyone has a clue on how to correct this?

Tnx in advance.

BSc. Enrique Llanos V.
Investigacion y Desarrollo
Somos LINUX, seamoslo SIEMPRE

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