[horde] LDAP address book problem

Joaquin López joaquin.lopez.sanchez at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 00:42:08 PDT 2006

Hi, I'm trying to set up an LDAP address book. In fact I use LDAP for
authentication and it works fine.

I've followed the steps of the wiki document "Using Horde with an
existing LDAP directory", but it doesn't work.

When I try to do a basic search, for example with the name, it shows the
message "bad search filter".

I've changed the default filter
('filter' => '(&(uid=*)(objectClass=posixAccount))'),
but I don't know what to put exactly in it.

Also I don't know any way of doing a troublesoothing because the
horde.log file doesn't show nothing at this level. In fact I have a
similar problem with the password module when I try to change a password
in the LDAP tree.

Please, anybody can help?

Thank you,

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