[horde] from address

manou manou at simicro-internet.mg
Tue May 16 01:41:56 PDT 2006

thanks Jan,
I set 'hook' => true, 'locked' => true, to $_prefs['from_addr'] in
prefs.php and created a hook in hooks.php.

It works fine now,


Jan Schneider wrote:

> Zitat von manou <manou at simicro-internet.mg>:
>> But my problem is that I want horde/imp to get the from address from
>> courier-imap mysql database according to the username. If "someone"
>> loggs in to horde, horde will "select email" in the mysql database
>> "where id='someone'" and put this email address on "From:" instead of
>> getting from the Identities or someone at defaultdomain (here domain.com)
>> imperatively. I could lock the from_address in the config file but I
>> could'nt find where in all horde/imp function could I hack to make the
>> request?
> In config/hooks.php. Also see the comments in horde/config/prefs.php.
> Jan.

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