[horde] Bundle names

Ron Hall ron.hall at mcgill.ca
Tue May 23 12:23:15 PDT 2006

Michael M Slusarz wrote:
> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Horde Groupware Webmail
> No.  Makes it sound like Webmail is the only component of the package.
>> Horde Groupware Webmail Edition
> Best, IMHO.
    This lends itself to further bundles

    Horde Groupware with Proforma
    Horde Groupware with XYZ


    The basic configuration stays the same and the target audience of 
the add-on differs.

    BTW Proforma is sort of nebulous, but very professional sounding. I 
take it Bilked
    was only a laugh :)

    I suppose Boss would work (Business Office System Software)
    Horde Groupware with Boss?

    Just my 1/12 of a euro.


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