[horde] Upgrade script go BOOM! (Debian)

Brett Charbeneau brett at wrl.org
Tue Jun 27 12:23:53 PDT 2006

On Tue, 27 Jun 2006, Martin Lohmeier wrote:

ML> Brett Charbeneau wrote:
ML> > 
ML> > 	You lost me.
ML> > 	You mean get the original script-created (empty) database on the new 
ML> > machine going again and then "restore" the old data?
ML> > 
ML> No. He mean that you go to your old 3.23 database, dump horde's database
ML> into a file. Take this file to your new 4.0 database and inject it into
ML> it....basic dump'n'restore...
ML> After restoring the data, use the horde script to update your database.
ML> bye, Martin

	Thanks for the response, Martin!
	For the record, here's what I ran on the old machine 
to dump the database:

mysqldump -t horde --password=PASSWORD > oldIMP.txt

	I then FTP'd this over to the new install and from that directory 

mysql --user=root --password=PASSWORD horde < oldIMP.txt

	(My install actually had some custom tables that I have to deal with, 
but on a default install this should work as-is.)

Brett Charbeneau
Network Administrator
Williamsburg Regional Library
7770 Croaker Road
Williamsburg, VA 23188-7064
(757)259-4044          www.wrl.org
(757)259-4079 (fax)    brett at wrl.org

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