[horde] create.pgsql.sql missing some things? [PATCH]

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Aug 4 13:24:46 PDT 2006

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Todd Pytel <tppytel at sophrosune.org>:
>> I'm not really a database person, but it seems like the attached patch
>> addresses two issues in the creation script for postgres:
>> 1) Add "\c horde" after creation - we shouldn't be adding tables to
>> template1, we should be adding them to horde
>> 2) The horde_histories table isn't created, causing errors later on.
>> This was mentioned in a mailing list post, but it doesn't appear to have
>> been applied.
>> If I'm misunderstanding the script or postgres, kindly disregard...
> This sounds right to me. Can you please attach it to a ticket on   
> bugs.horde.org so that it doesn't get lost?

I committed it already, thanks.


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