[horde] memcached errors...

Hauke Müller hauke at mueller-martens.de
Fri Sep 1 01:22:07 PDT 2006

Same problem here.

Am 29.08.2006 um 22:38 schrieb Stefan Gatterbauer:

> I have the same situation with memcached-1.1.12, php-4.4.2 +  
> memcache-2.0.4,
> eaccelerator-0.9.4, apache-1.3.37 and Horde HEAD (but I don't know  
> a solution).
> Stefan
> Once upon a time (Tue, 29 Aug 2006 14:24:46 -0600), Kevin Konowalec  
> <kevin at ualberta.net> wrote :
>> Haven't gotten any responses to this so I'll just give this one a  
>> bump...
>> Horde: 3.1.2
>> Imp: H3 (4.1.2)
>> We've just switched over to using memcached sessions.  It's  
>> SMOKING fast and working well so far but in my logs I'm seeing a  
>> LOT of
>> "Error retrieving session data" errors.  ie:
>> Aug 29 13:42:32 webcluster10 HORDE[510]: [horde] Error retrieving  
>> session data (id = c8abe116058606a6acc1cf76d97fd769) [on line 83  
>> of "/var/www/horde/lib/Horde/SessionHandler/memcache.php"]
>> We're running a 12 machine cluster with PF round robining.  Users   
>> only have the chance of being redirected to a different server if  
>> they sit inactive for 10 minutes - in that case I can see this  
>> error making sense since the lockfile is on a different machine.
>> Note that it's a Horde error.  Imp throws a similar error but ONLY  
>> on logout:
>> Aug 29 13:42:30 webcluster3 HORDE[25341]: [imp] Logout for  
>> someuser [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] from {yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy:143} [on line 42  
>> of "/var/www/horde/imp/login.php"]
>> Aug 29 13:42:30 webcluster3 HORDE[25341]: [imp] Error retrieving  
>> session data (id = 28b9358a717b995ed145f74972ed2ccc) [on line 83  
>> of "/var/www/horde/lib/Horde/SessionHandler/memcache.php"]
>> In this case both process IDs are the same.  My guess is that it's  
>> a race condition somewhere that is asking for the session data a  
>> split second after the session has been expired.  When Horde  
>> throws the error, though,  there is no corresponding entry with  
>> the same process ID.
>> Now this doesn't appear to be causing any problems for users but  
>> it IS effectively doubling my log sizes with noise.
>> So if anyone else is doing it similarly and can tell me if this  
>> is  normal or if there's something else that needs to be tweaked  
>> that'd
>> be great!
>> Thanks!!
>> -- 
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