[horde] Name and adress in field From

Matthias Reimann horde at fixpunktx.com
Mon Sep 11 08:25:12 PDT 2006

Martin Lohmeier wrote:
>Matthias Reimann wrote:
>> Hello,
>> is it possible to show the email adress besides the given 
>name in the 
>> 'From' column of IMP? Sometimes i get mails from people i don't know 
>> personal but who are from the same institute. In some cases 
>it is very 
>> hard to decide just by subject if it is or is not spam.
>> Matthias
>I think the name is displayed if it is included in the From: 
>header. If there is no name, it's not included in the header 
>and IMP (you should have posted it on the imp list) can't do 
>anything about it.
>bye, Martin

Thank you Martin. You are right but I'm not sure if you got my point.
It's ok that there is no name in the 'From' column of IMP if there is no
name included in the 'From' header of the mail. But I want the email
adress (which is always included in the 'From' header) be displayed in
IMP also if there is a name too. I can't know all people of our
institute but I know all domains of their adresses (See above what I
wrote about distinguishing spam and mails of 'new' colleagues). 


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