[horde] Issue with Passwd Module

Laura McCord mccordl at southwestern.edu
Wed Sep 20 08:41:44 PDT 2006

I am using version Passwd: H3 (3.0) and this line is not a comment.
I have been fooling around abit with the code and I am adding print 
statements to detect the problem.
We are migrating from our old version of horde/passwd module to the new 
one and the sql code is a little bit different. So, I am trying to see 
if perhaps our version of mysql cannot handle things like $row = 

So that is where I am currently at.


Eric Jon Rostetter wrote:
> Quoting Laura McCord <mccordl at southwestern.edu>:
>> I just installed the Passwd module
> What version?  (In my version, line 119 is a comment, and hence you must
> be running a different version).
>> and I have been trying to configure
>> it. I am using the sql driver in the backends.php file. I keep getting
>> a Notice stating "Undefined index: DES in
>> */srv/www/htdocs/horde/passwd/lib/Driver/sql.php* on line *119".
> Again, line 119 is a comment in my version, so what version do you have?
>> *I do
>> have a column called DES that I am using for the 'pass_col'. I have
>> been searching this issue on google and came across someone who had the
>> same issue but there was no resolution.
> Maybe a typo in your configuration of backends.php?
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Laura

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