[horde] fullname on IMP H3 3.2.1

Benoit St-André benoit.st-andre at revolutionlinux.com
Wed Sep 20 10:29:02 PDT 2006

Le 20 Septembre 2006 13:28, fabricio bianco abreu a écrit :
> > Have you activated your _prefs_hook_fullname function,
> > in horde/conf/prefs.php?
> What do you mean by "Have you activated your _prefs_hook_fullname function,
> in horde/conf/prefs.php?"
> In horde/conf/prefs.php I have:
> // user full name for From: line
> // If you lock this preference, you must specify a value or a hook for it
> in // horde/config/hooks.php.
> $_prefs['fullname'] = array(
>     'value' => '',
>     'locked' => true,    'shared' => true,
>     'type' => 'text',
>     'desc' => _("Your full name:")
> );

> What am I missing?
> Thanks in advance,

You need to add
hook => true,

in your $_prefs['fullname'] array, like it is described in the header of the 
prefs.php file.
Benoit St-André                 Directeur des services pédagogiques
Benoit.St-Andre at revolutionlinux.com      http://revolutionlinux.com
1-800-996-8955 , poste 1112

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