[horde] Left menu not loading

Ben Backx ben at newnewyork.be
Wed Oct 18 15:23:46 PDT 2006


I'm having a rather strange problem with horde.
When I login to horde, this takes some time (not really long, but it  
was faster a few hours ago). Speed isn't really the issue, but when I  
login, there is nog left menu. It's just some white space. I'm using  
firefox and when I reload only the menu-frame, the menu is there and  
everything goes fine.
The funny thing is that I hadn't any problems until a few hours ago.  
The only thing that changed is that there are now 2 extra  
mailaccounts, but I'm not sure if that can be the problem (the 2  
accounts are for an other tld then the one I'm using). A friend of  
mine has the same problem with his account (on my server) and also can  
'solve' the problem by just reloading the menu-frame.
There aren't any error messages or erros in the logs.

The versions:
OS: Debian, kernel 2.6.8-3
Apache2, php5 en mysql are all the latest versions from dotdeb.org
Horde and it's modules (imp, turba, kronolyth, mnemo, nag and ingo)  
are also the latest versions from horde.org

I hope someone can help me with this rather strange problem.


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