[horde] Global options page

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Thu Nov 16 07:43:21 PST 2006

Hello Pieter Vanmeerbeek,

you have written:
> I'm using the horde framework purely as a webmail, so
> without the 'portal' function. 

So do I.

> In the registry.php config file it is possible to remove the portal menu
> item by setting the status on 'notoolbar'. However doing so, also disables
> the config menu ;(

In my config/registry.php, I have:
> $this->applications['horde'] = array(
>     'status' => 'active',
> );

In the WWW setup interface, under "Mail (Imp)" / "External Utilities and Menu",
item "Select any applications that should be linked in IMP's menu", I have
selected Imp, Ingo, and Turba, but not Horde; hence I have in my
> $conf['menu']['apps'] = array('imp', 'ingo', 'turba');
Hence, there is no Horde menu in Imp's menu bar.

In my config/prefs.php, I have:
> $_prefs['show_sidebar'] = array(
>     'value'  => false,
>     'locked' => true,
>     'hook'   => true,
> );

And in my config/hooks.php:
> if (!function_exists('_prefs_hook_show_sidebar')) :
>   function _prefs_hook_show_sidebar($userID=NULL)
>   { global $conf;
>     $sidebar = empty($userID) ? '' : in_array($userID, $conf['auth']['admins']);
>     knu_debug(__LINE__, '_prefs_hook_show_sidebar', array($userID), NULL, $sidebar);
>     return $sidebar;
>   }
> endif;

Hence, only administrators will see the sidebar menu.

And voilá: The normal user does not notice the presence of Horde,
but still can access its Options menu via
- Menu item "Options"
- In the field "Edit options for" (top right), choose "Global Options".

Is this enough for your users, or do you want a more conspicuous menu

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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