[horde] WG: horde 3.1.3 configuration help

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Dec 1 01:28:46 PST 2006

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von soportewebco at gmail.com -----
Datum: Thu, 30 Nov 2006 20:59:07 -0500
Von: Felipe Botero <soportewebco at gmail.com>
Betreff: horde 3.1.3 configuration help
An: consulting at horde.org

hi, we install horde 3.1.3 in FC5, we are working in apache 2.2.3 with  
PHP 5.2.
we do all spteps of the configuration and interface of horde work, but  
when we tray to configure the horde this aplication dont work.

when we click in the GENERATE HORDE CONFIGURATION, we show this messages:
There was an error in the configuration form. Perhaps you left out a  
required field.

we configure the (What preferences driver should we use?) with  
Postgres  and  do the GENERATE HORDE CONFIGURATION we obtain the next  

Could not save the backup configuration file /horde/config/conf.php.bak.

   Could not save the configuration file /horde/config/conf.php. You  
can either use one of the options to save the code back on Setup[1] or  
copy manually the code below to /horde/config/conf.php.after that we  
change permissions of this file and after that the browser start to  
reload infinitly the horde login.php page and finde in the horde.log  
we see this warning:
Nov 30 21:33:13 HORDE [warning] [horde] Session cookies will not work  
without a FQDN and with a non-empty cookie domain. [on line 1216 of  

what we can do?


----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----

Professional Horde and PHP consulting and development

[2] http://janschneider.de

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