[horde] NIC

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Dec 30 06:55:50 PST 2006

Quoting Lars Stavholm <stava at telcotec.se>:

> I just started playing with the horde nic (from CVS).
> I figured out and got the monitoring working.
> However, the NIC home page lists the following features:
>     * Finger
>     * ICQ lookup
>     * DNS lookup
>     * Email address verification
>     * Ping
>     * SMTP open relay checking
>     * Service status
>     * Traceroute
>     * Whois
> Does anyone know how to enable these?
> I can't seem to find them anywhere in the NIC user interface.

They've been deprecated; it's just the monitoring now. Thanks for  
reminding us about the web page; I've committed a much smaller but  
correct blurb for now.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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