[horde] Looking for a Suggestion for a SQL select change

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 3 21:22:57 PST 2007

Quoting James MacLean <macleajb at ednet.ns.ca>:

> This is an example query from horde that is causing backups on MySQL :
> SELECT c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name FROM horde_datatree c LEFT JOIN
> horde_datatree_attributes a1 ON a1.datatree_id = c.datatree_id WHERE
> c.group_uid = 'horde.shares.kronolith' AND ((a1.attribute_name =
> 'owner' AND a1.attribute_value = 'somone at here.com') OR
> (a1.attribute_name = 'perm_users' AND a1.attribute_key =
> 'someone at here.com' AND a1.attribute_value & 2) OR (a1.attribute_name
> = 'perm_creator' AND a1.attribute_value & 2) OR (a1.attribute_name =
> 'perm_default' AND a1.attribute_value & 2))   GROUP BY c.datatree_id,
> c.datatree_name, c.datatree_order ORDER BY c.datatree_order,
> c.datatree_name, c.datatree_id

The code in CVS runs OR queries one at a time for this same reason  
(see revisions 1.219 and 1.220 here:  
http://cvs.horde.org/framework/DataTree/DataTree/sql.php ). It hasn't  
been merged to a stable branch yet because it's a moderately major  
change, but if it tests out well for everyone it'll definitely be in  
Horde 3.2.

Does that work for you? It's essentially the same as the UNION query.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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