[horde] runaway httpd processes?

Dominaux, Craig C CCDominaux at cbe.ab.ca
Mon Jan 29 12:00:00 PST 2007

We are having the same issue here but haven't been able to isolate the

In the interim we setup a cron job to run every 10 minutes to search for
any HTTPD processes that have been running over 10 minutes and kill the
Most of our httpd processes kill themselves off before 2 minutes.

We are running Enterprise 4.

Here is the script.


lapproc="$(ps aux | grep apache | awk '{split($10,a,":"); if(a[1]>=10)
print $2}' | tr -d PID )"
if [ "$lapproc" ]
        kill $lapproc


-----Original Message-----
From: horde-bounces at lists.horde.org
[mailto:horde-bounces at lists.horde.org] On Behalf Of Kevin Konowalec
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 9:44 AM
To: Horde List
Subject: [horde] runaway httpd processes?

horde 3.1.2
imp 4.1.2
php 4.4.1

Is anyone else noticing runaway httpd processes when running horde?   
I suspect it's PHP doing something stupid and getting caught in a  
loop of some kind but I'm not sure what that might be.  This is  
beginning to cause problems as if these runaways aren't killed off  
reasonably frequently it begins to affect performance (ie pages  
taking 20 seconds to load, etc).  Here's what I see:

load averages:  8.15,  7.47,   
6.55                                                 09:40:04
92 processes:  3 running, 88 idle, 1 on processor
CPU states: 26.1% user,  0.0% nice, 72.7% system,  1.2% interrupt,   
0.0% idle
Memory: Real: 145M/407M act/tot  Free: 583M  Swap: 10M/4096M used/tot

17524 www       64    0 6080K   18M run      -      906:25 23.34% httpd
7747 www       64    0 6504K   20M run      -      643:26 21.68% httpd
6723 www       63    0 8684K   21M run      -       22.6H 20.61% httpd

There's lots of other httpd child processes as well but they're just  
sitting there happily doing what they should be.  But those 3 there  
that are stuck in the run state are the ones I'm worried about.

So has anyone else encountered this issue? 
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