[horde] Groupware: "You must configure a DataTree backend to use Shares" error

77sm6rm02@sneakemail.com 77sm6rm02 at sneakemail.com
Thu Feb 1 08:58:47 PST 2007

I've been trying to install Groupware but with the conf.php file edited 
and DB and tables created I've run into a problem.  If you go to the 
main page I get the "You must configure a DataTree backend to use 
Shares." fatal error.

The test.php shows no errors except for the absence of MIME Magic and 
Memcache support and a memory limit warning (which at 40MB isn't that bad).

The conf.php file has the DB info properly set and the two lines 
defining the datatree is also present (I can't see why it would cause 
the error with line 104 of share.php).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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