[horde] How can i disable the horde Login???

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Mon Feb 26 04:18:33 PST 2007

Hello Webmaster,

you have asked:
> How can i disable the horde login??

The pertinent settings are in the Horde sidebar
(if you are logged in as an administrator) under

When you want your customers to log in directly to
some Horde application, Webmail say, you choose
"let a Horde application handle..." in the "What backend should
we use for authenticating" field.

If you are the only user, and can be sure that nobody else can
get at the user interface of the Horde running on your own
system, you may wish to choose "automatic authentication as
a certain user" in the "What backend..." field.

Best wishes,
    Otto Stolz

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