[horde] DB Error

Matthias Mahrholz matthias.mahrholz at urz.uni-magdeburg.de
Mon Mar 5 13:38:46 UTC 2007


exactly - the table is missing.



>> Hi,
>> I have under /var/log a log file 'messages'.
>> There to displayed:
>> Could not log message details to Horde_History. Error returned:  DB  
>>  Error: no such table [on line 67 of   
>> "/usr/share/horde/imp/lib/Maillog.php"]
>> What is for a problem?

Do you have the horde_histories table in your Horde database?

>> Horde Applications
>>      * Horde: 3.1.3
>>      * Imp: H3 (4.1.3)
>>      * Ingo: H3 (1.1.2)
>>      * Turba: H3 (2.1.3)
>> Regards Matthias.

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