[horde] What a mess with applications

Jon Spriggs jon at spriggs.org.uk
Mon Mar 5 22:12:01 UTC 2007

Hi there Mario,

First thing to ask is whether you are using the CVS version, the
packed files or the groupware release...

I'm guessing from the way you've phrased the question though, you're
using the CVS release, so I'll assume that's the case, and you can
correct me if I'm wrong. (Also, if there's any developers on here, and
I'm doing this wrong - please let me know, and I'll change my own

Clear out what you've got so far - maybe backing up the config files -
and then we can change your Apache settings.

First of all, Horde seems to like it best if it's in the top level
directory, so do that first.

cd /home/www
cvs co horde

Then get the framework packages (may not be necessary - depends on
what you're installing) - I've installed it at the same layer as
horde, but this might be wrong, I've also installed it above and below
it in the past, and it didn't seem to make any difference - perhaps I
missed something vital in the docs at some point.

cvs co framework
cd framework
cd ..

next, get your modules, imp, dimp and turba. I actually wrote a little
script to handle the configs as well. You could probably tweak the cvs
line to be a wget line instead if you're using packages, or you could
just download the packages in advance and just make your script unpack
them with tar xfz $1.tar.gz?

echo "#!/bin/bash
cvs -d :pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:2401/repository co $1
cd $1
cd config
for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done
cd ../.." > ~/reconfig.sh

You call this with ~/reconfig.sh imp or whatever you're checking out.
This same code will work for horde as well.

Then, put the following directives in your httpd.conf

Alias "/horde/" "/home/www/"
DocumentRoot "/home/www"

I guess you could make that so your document root is /home/www/imp -
especially as I'm using other functions of the Horde as well, so my
config may not be exactly the same as yours...

Finally, adjust your registry.php file to show the following:

if (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
    $webroot = preg_split(';/;', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 2, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $webroot = strstr(dirname(__FILE__), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_shift($webr
    if ($webroot !== false) {
        $webroot = preg_replace(array('/\\\\/', ';/config$;'), array('/', ''), $
    } elseif ($webroot === false) {
        $webroot = '';
    } else {
        $webroot = '/';
} else {
    $webroot = '/';

That should do it (I hope!)



On 3/5/07, Mário Gamito <gamito at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have horde installed in /home/www/horde, imp, dim, turba, etc, at the same
> level as horde.
> I have this in Apache's httpd.conf to make imp my entry page for
> mail.sincity.lan:
> DocumentRoot "/home/www/horde/imp"
> <Directory "/home/www/horde/imp" >
> Alias /horde/ /home/www/horde/
> Alias /imp/ /home/www/horde/imp/
> My problem now is in horde's config file registry.php
> I've tried a million ways, but my applications don't work.
> Here's my relevant registry.php:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> $this->applications['horde'] = array(
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/..',
>     'webroot' => $webroot,
>     'initial_page' => 'login.php',
>     'name' => _("Horde"),
>     'status' => 'active',
>     'templates' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates',
>     'provides' => 'horde'
> );
> $this->applications['imp'] = array(
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../imp',
>     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/imp',
>     'name' => _("Mail"),
>     'status' => 'active',
>     'provides' => 'mail',
> );
> $this->applications['dimp'] = array(
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../dimp',
>     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/dimp',
>     'name' => _("Mail"),
>     'status' => 'active',
>     'provides' => 'mail',
> );
> $this->applications['turba'] = array(
>     'fileroot' => dirname(__FILE__) . '/../turba',
>     'webroot' => $this->applications['horde']['webroot'] . '/turba',
>     'name' => _("Address Book"),
>     'status' => 'active',
>     'provides' => array('contacts', 'clients'),
>     'menu_parent' => 'organizing'
> );
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How can i make this work ?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Warm Regards,
> Mário Gamito
> --
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